First thing first sharing as much informations as possible about your project is mandatory. Is it for a mural,an event or customize an object? What's the size of your wall? The location? A sample of the kind of design you are looking for?...
All these details will help to give you a range of price for your inquiry and see if that is suitable to you.
If so, we will go to the second step.
According on the complexity of your demand draft can be either free or with charge that will be deducted from the downpayment required to start the painting process once we agreed on the design. Please note that draft is more to give a global idea of the project and that the painting might be slightly different.
Once all settle with date, clearance and downpayment, we will come. Protection of the place is included in the price so we will start from there and then painting will start. A range of time for completion will be communicate along with final quotation so you will have an approximate time that we will take to finish the work.
Let's meet on site !
Contact so we can schedule a meeting.